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[APERO@HOME] Cooperative supermarkets

with Mathilde Lapie (2001)


wednesday, january 20, 7pm

From your sofa, with a drink in hand

on"Cooperative supermarkets" with Mathilde Lapie (2001)

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"An ESTIT engineer in 2001 and a doctorate in General Mechanics in 2005, I'm working as a computer developer following a retraining 4 years ago.

But all this doesn't define me (as a good friend would say) when I'm asked the question: what do you do for a living?
I've been a cooperator for 5 years in a cooperative and participative supermarket: La Chouette Coop, in Toulouse.
Several cooperatives of this kind have sprung up in France, following the one in New York (Park Slope Food, since 1974) and Paris (La Louve, since 2010).

It's a supermarket managed and governed by its members/cooperators, each of whom holds one or more shares and makes all decisions together.
You have access to quality products at affordable/fair prices in exchange for 3 hours of your time every 4 weeks.
During these 3 hours, the Chouettos (as the members are called) welcome, stock shelves, man the till, supervise the team (Grand Hibou, we're staying in the realm of the volatile), and so on..." - Mathilde

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