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in partnership with lESEG NETWORK

DETOX: info or INTOX?

Learn how to preserve your mental and physical health

"Detox" has become a catch-all term in the field of dietetics, but we don't always know what it consists of, how to carry it out, or even how to choose the form that suits us best.

We also know about digital detox, but is it the only way to lighten our overloaded brains? What habits can we put in place to avoid overload, or how can we clear our minds from time to time?

Through a face-to-face workshop, we invite you to discover the principles of physical and mental detox.


  • Part 1: dietary detox

From everyday eating habits to the complete fasting experience, from intermittent fasting to detox cures and meal organization, discover the different formulas for feeling lighter and gaining energy.

  • Part 2: mental detox

From mental overload to burnout, review the concepts of emotional overload, information management, channelling thoughts, attention, concentration, organization.Discover what causes our brains to be overloaded, and leave with tips to help you feel lighter and more centered.

Whether you want to be less overburdened on a day-to-day basis, or clean up your act from time to time, come and choose the formula that's right for you to start putting new habits in place and gain in wellbeing and serenity!

Practical information

This workshop, organized by Pôle Développement Carrière of IÉSEG Network, will be led byLéa PELLERIN, a graduate of IESEG (Grande Ecole 2009) and Naturopath specialized in nutrition and mental health.

It will take place in person on theIESEG Paris Campus:ThursdayMay 25,2023 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.

Practical information will be sent to you no later than the day before the event, to the e-mail address with which you registered.

Thursday 25 May 2023
18:30 - 20:30 (GMT +2)
Event organised in person and online
1 Parv. de la Défense
92800 Puteaux


1 Parv. de la Défense
92800 Puteaux

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Thursday 25 May 2023
18:30 - 20:30 (GMT +2)
Event organised in person and online
1 Parv. de la Défense
92800 Puteaux
  • Registration here (free):

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