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[WORKSHOP] Mindmapping or how to boost efficiency?

How to boost efficiency with Mindmapping?

Although Mind Mapping is still a highly confidential approach, the COMEXs of major companies have clearly understood its benefits. Some use it to develop their strategy and share a short-, medium- and long-term vision.

Others use it as a learning aid, to help memorization and even comprehension.

What if this tool were to serve your professional project and your personal development?

What would you say if you had a clear vision of your objectives in a single, fun and creative space?

HEI Alumni, in partnership with IÉSEG Network, invites you to discover the benefits of this approach by learning and applying all its rules.

This workshop, resolutely focused on practice and efficiency, will enable you to acquire the fundamentals and put your skills into practice on a personal subject.

Join us on April 11, 2019 with your pencils and markers to explore new perspectives and share a good time!

Thursday 11 April 2019
19:00 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
IESEG Paris Campus
1 Promenade de l'Arche
92800 Puteaux
  • Free Contributing graduates

  • 15 € Non-contributing graduates

  • 20 € Outdoor

Registration closed

IESEG Paris Campus

1 Promenade de l'Arche
92800 Puteaux

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Thursday 11 April 2019
19:00 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
IESEG Paris Campus
1 Promenade de l'Arche
92800 Puteaux
  • Free Contributing graduates

  • 15 € Non-contributing graduates

  • 20 € Outdoor

Registration closed
  • 1 registrant
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