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[WORKSHOP]: Dare to change

Organized in partnership with IÉSEG Network

We're not all equal when it comes to change: for some, it will be a source of energy, as it will represent a challenge to be transformed into an opportunity; for others, it will consume energy due to the worries or resistance it generates. If you're thinking of making a professional change in your career in the short or medium term, but are having trouble getting started, this new experiential workshop is for you! It offers you the chance to reconnect with your resources and experience change consciously, thanks to a tool borrowed from Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Robert Dilts' Logic Levels.


Given the short duration of the workshop (2 hours), thisface-to-face session will be straight to the point, and will be organized in 3 stages:

  • Presentation of the two main types of change (G. Bateson)
  • Presentation of the logical levels approach (R. Dilts)
  • Work in pairs on aconcrete change situation brought by each participant

Objectives :

  • Understand your own approach to change,
  • Understand the main types of change,
  • Reconnect to your own resources and energy, so that you can experience your own upcoming professional change more consciously and serenely.

To get the most out of this workshop, you'll need to come with a concrete case of professional change that you'd like to work on.

This face-to-face workshop will be led byElizabeth TOUCAS,Executive Coach and Head of Career Development at IÉSEG Network.

Practical information:

This workshop is organized by the Pôle Développement Carrière of IÉSEG Network and will take place on June7 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.

The workshop will not be held if fewer than 4 people register.

Practical information on how to attend the event will be sent to you THE EVENING BEFORE the event, to the e-mail address with which you registered.

For further information, please contact :

Elizabeth TOUCAS,Executive Coach & Head of Career Development - IÉSEG Network or +

Wednesday 7 June 2023
18:30 - 20:30 (GMT +2)
1 Parv. de la Défense
92800 Puteaux


1 Parv. de la Défense
92800 Puteaux

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Wednesday 7 June 2023
18:30 - 20:30 (GMT +2)
1 Parv. de la Défense
92800 Puteaux
  • Free registration here:

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