Events calendar
Parenthèse HEI
Sustainable development and CSR
La Parenthèse is a series of conferences organized by BET, HEI and HEI Alumni to help you build your career plan and (re)discover certain professions.
Ateach meeting, a new theme related to the world of engineering and professionals on hand to answer all your questions.
At the end of the round table, we'll offer you a drink to extend the discussion.
CSR is a question of survival for companies today. Our resources are limited and our vision must be sustainable. In the same vein, our actions must be respectful of the environment. As future engineers, sustainable development and the preservation of our environment are an integral part of our curriculum, whatever our field of activity. It's our responsibility as individuals and as future engineers.
Beyond the regulations and certifications put in place by the government, what are tomorrow's challenges? How can we act accordingly?
They are taking part in this round-table discussion:
- Startup Energic with Alexis Delepoulle (1994), co-founder and president.
- Vincent Cahour, now with the Resources Department and former CSR Manager at Humanis.
- Franck Chauvin, Head of CSR at Yncréa Hauts-de-France.
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