Events calendar
PECHA KUCHA Learning Lunch - KICK OFF (real transmission and learning opportunities)
in partnership with lESEG Network
During individual coaching sessions or workshops, many of you have innovative ideas to share, passions to discover, projects to launch, knowledge to pass on, feedback to gather...
But how can you share your desire to give and receive, and build up a solid network with the community, other than over a drink in a bar or restaurant, since the current context doesn't lend itself to this?
That's how we came up with the big new feature for 2021:PK Learning Lunches ( Pecha Kucha Learning Lunches),
PK Learning Lunches are monthly get-togethersbetween IÉSEG graduates in a Pecha Kucha format, inspired by Pecha Kucha Nights, to open up to new horizons and learn from each other!
These more or less formal get-togethers are open free of charge to all IÉSEG graduates, whether or not they are contributing members:
- presentations must be in Pecha Kucha style,
- a maximum duration of 1 hour,
- organized at lunchtime.
In view of health constraints,PK Learning Lunches will initially be held remotely, but for greater conviviality, they can be organized face-to-face as soon as possible.
Elizabeth TOUCAS, Executive Coach and Career Manager at IÉSEG Network, will be present with you in a facilitating role to assist you.
As you will have understood, beyond helping you discover and experience this original Pecha Kucha concept, taking part in the monthly PK Learning Lunchs is a way of broadening your network, creating synergies and developing your skills.widen your network, create potential synergies between IESEG graduates and work on your speaking and listening skills, all while having fun!!!
This PK Learning Lunch kick-off will take place onMay 5 at 12 p.m.We look forward to seeing you there!
The link to the workshop will be sent to you the day before or the morning of the event.
See all events
Wednesday 5 May 2021
- 13:00
(GMT +1)
Online event
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