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[WEBINAR] Open up the field of possibilities and evaluate your career options

Suggested by O'ona Souissi, Founder of CAREER ON PURPOSE

Which way to go? That's the question. If you find yourself on the threshold of an important career choice, this webinar can help. At such moments, the choice is certainly not an easy one. Either you see things in black and white: "Should I stay or should I go? "which is a rather restrictive view of the subject. Or you have so many ideas that it's hard to make a choice. Or you're struggling with an inner conflict or fear about the possible risks. As a result, out of weariness, we tend to opt for what seems easiest in the short term, even if it doesn't necessarily make the most sense in the longer term. In the longer term, we may even make a change in response to negative stimuli, but it's ill-advised and, by throwing caution to the wind, amounts to throwing the baby out with the bathwater. This webinar will help you avoid these pitfalls by broadening your horizons. It's an opportunity to take a sharper look at your options, to bring new ones to the fore, and to see how to separate the wheat from the chaff among the many possibilities.

Founder of CAREER ON PURPOSE, O'ona Souissi, helps international managers, executives and experts build a career that makes sense. To help you clarify your options and make the important decisions for your career, you'll find 3 free downloadable frameworks at

Tuesday 17 October 2023
12:30 - 14:00 (GMT +2)
Online event
  • Free Free registration for all

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Tuesday 17 October 2023
12:30 - 14:00 (GMT +2)
Online event
  • Free Free registration for all

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  • 3 registrants
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