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Parenthese: social entrepreneurship or how to do business differently?

We keep hearing about it. But what is it?

There's no universal definition, just a guideline. In short, an entrepreneur owns an economic activity in order to solve a social problem. In other words, the entrepreneur takes initiatives that are socially useful. They can be associations, start-ups, cooperatives or SMEs.

They will testify during the conference:

- Guillaume TROUILLE (1999) - Director Hauts de France Simplon

- Paul Cacheux - Managing Director Urbilog

- Sophie Letartre - Project Manager, supporting companies in their CSR projects, specializing in social innovation at Réseau Alliances

- Agathe Vanhaverbeke - Regional Manager Hauts de France | Enactus France

La Parenthèse is a series of conferences organized by BET, HEI and HEI Alumni to help you build your career plan and (re)discover certain professions.

At each meeting, a new theme related to the world of engineering and professionals on hand to answer all your questions.
At the end of the round table, we'll offer you a drink to extend the discussion.

Thursday 20 December 2018
18:00 (GMT +2)
Salle T128
  • Free For all

Registration closed


Salle T128

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Thursday 20 December 2018
18:00 (GMT +2)
Salle T128
  • Free For all

Registration closed
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