Events calendar

Afterwork in Brussels
With Arthur Fleury (2012) and Simon Nihoul (2010), our two local relays, we offer you :
a wine and food afterwork in Brussels
thursday october 18 at 7 .30pm
At the bar "Non peut-être", 44 rue de Dublin (Ixelles) !
The idea? Relaunch the BELUX group! HEI Alumni will be there to discuss your expectations and share news about the Network: our activities, our services, our meetings in other regions and countries. Come and ask your questions and share your ideas!
It will also be an opportunity to get to know Yncréa graduates (HEI, ISA, ISEN).
See all events
Thursday 18 October 2018
- 22:30
(GMT +1)
Bar No can be
44 rue de Dublin
10 € Contributing graduates
15 € Non-contributing graduates
5 € Contributing students
8 € Non-contributing students
Registration closed
Bar No can be
44 rue de DublinIxelles

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