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Rendezvous H in Lille : The city of the future

Did you know that the city of the future is being built on the Vauban campus?

Join us on Wednesday, April 24 at 7:30 pm at HEI to discover the concrete Smart Cities projects being carried out on the Vauban campus!

We'll be presenting the Catho's Energy and Society Transition program: a prefiguration of the city of tomorrow thanks to experiments carried out on the campus's socio-technical and demonstrator buildings !

These buildings are designed to prefigure a more sustainable and resilient city, by including innovations on the building itself (smartbuilding), on the energy networks (Smartgrid) thanks to the processing of data from sensor networks (bigdata).

We'll also be talking about the social aspects : what are the advantages and disadvantages for users of these premises, and how can we get them to appropriate the new tools and invent the uses of tomorrow?

Afterwards, we'll visit the Rizomm, the first demonstration building to be implemented under the Live Tree strategic program, and end the visit with a convivial cocktail reception !

Register now!

Wednesday 24 April 2019
19:30 - 23:00 (GMT +2)
13 Rue de Toul
59000 Lille
  • 10 € Contributing graduates

  • 15 € Non-contributing graduates

  • 5 € Contributing students

  • 8 € Non-contributing students

Registration closed


13 Rue de Toul
59000 Lille

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Wednesday 24 April 2019
19:30 - 23:00 (GMT +2)
13 Rue de Toul
59000 Lille
  • 10 € Contributing graduates

  • 15 € Non-contributing graduates

  • 5 € Contributing students

  • 8 € Non-contributing students

Registration closed
  • 26 registrants
  • Add to my calendar