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Class of 2023 anniversary

The JUNIA ALUMNI team is delighted to invite all graduating classes in years 3 and 8 to celebrate their birthdays:

Saturday, May 6, 2023 from 7 p.m.

at Cité des Echanges (Marcq-en-Barœul)

What's a graduation party? An evening where you get together with your classmates to celebrate 5, 10, 15, 20...50, 55, 60 years of your graduating class. We welcome you to an exceptional venue, where everything is planned to ensure you have a great time: cocktails, music, souvenir photos... there's something for everyone.

On the program:

From 7pm - Aperitif outside (we've ordered the good weather). This is the time when you try to find and recognize your comrades!

8:30 p.m. : Beginning of the meal at the table

10:30 pm - Entertainment by Rock N' JUNIA students

11:30 p.m. - Dance party

2h - It's over but we'll see you in 5 years!

And don't forget the photo machine to take home a souvenir of this memorable evening! 📸

And for those who prefer talking to dancing, a quiet room is reserved for you.

How to get there :

Click here for directions to the Cité des Echanges. A large parking lot is available on site.

La Cité is also accessible by public transport from the train stations (tramway stops Croisé Laroche or Acacias, then an 8-minute walk).

A return bus will be available for those wishing to catch it at 2am, late evening time. Drop-off at Lille Europe.

Relays wanted! In each class, we're looking for one or more relays to help us communicate with their fellow students. We'll take care of everything: sending out invitations, managing registrations and organizing the evening! Interested? Send an e-mail to

Saturday 6 May 2023
19:00 - 02:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 1st May
The City of Exchanges
40 Rue Eugène Jacquet
59700 Marcq-en-Barœul
  • 55 € Outdoor

Registration closed

The City of Exchanges

40 Rue Eugène Jacquet
59700 Marcq-en-Barœul

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

On-site parking


Bernard PHALEMPIN (Ingénieur HEI, 1973)
2 years ago
Ce sera un vrai plaisir de retrouver des anciens de ma promo 1973. Bernard Phalempin
Franck CHAUVIN (Ingénieur ISA, 1998)
2 years ago
Allez les ISA31&friends, on n'a pas tous les jours 25 ans ! Ramenez votre fraise (héhé) le 6 mai, pour une soirée endiablée et des before et after stylés, si affinités :-)

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Saturday 6 May 2023
19:00 - 02:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 1st May
The City of Exchanges
40 Rue Eugène Jacquet
59700 Marcq-en-Barœul
  • 55 € Outdoor

Registration closed
  • 200 registrants
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