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[WORKSHOP 2/5] Defining your career plan

CAP 361° Program - Pilot your career!

Are you currently employed and looking to anticipate your next career move? Would you like to boost your job search? If one of these situations applies to you, IÉSEG Network invites you to join the "CAP 361° - Pilotez votre Carrière! "for a series of 5 workshops. This second workshop will help you build your professional project.

This face-to-face workshop is the second of the 5 workshops in the CAP 361° - Pilotez votre carrière! program, a description of which is attached below.

This workshop, led by Elizabeth TOUCAS, Executive Coach & Head of the Career Development Department , is aimed at ALL graduates who are looking for a job, in professional transition or even in employment, and who need support in defining their professional project.

At a time when most of us want to combine a fulfilling professional and personal life, it's not an easy equation, so it's time to take the plunge!

Your career plan is the cornerstone of your success and professional fulfillment. A professional project is so personal that you can't delegate it... It requires a journey inside yourself to identify the mission or missions that will resonate with who you are and enable you to fulfill yourself, in harmony with your closest family sphere.

For further information, please contact :

Elizabeth TOUCAS, Executive Coach & Head of Career Development - IÉSEG Network or +


As a reminder, the CAP 361° - Pilotez votre Carrière! program consists of a cycle of 5 workshops including theoretical contributions and experiential phases spread over 2 months:

  • Workshop 1 - November 7: Discovering yourself and overcoming your fears
    - Workshop 2 - November 15: Defining your professional project
    - Workshop 3 - November 29: Mastering CV & cover letter tools
    - Workshop 4 - December 5: Knowing how to present yourself for successful interviews
    - Workshop 5 - December 13: Optimizing your networking approach

Registration is recommended for all 5 workshops, but it is also possible to attend only some of them if you wish.

The advantages of this program :

  • Collective intelligence is stimulated by the Coach's methodological approach and practical exercises.
  • Sharing of best practices
  • Action plans to be implemented at the end of each session to ensure an active approach
  • Participants designate their own pairs or trinomials.

Work in pairs/threes between sessions to instill a spirit of solidarity among participants and boost self-confidence.

Tuesday 15 November 2022
19:00 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
IESEG Pais campus
1 Parvis de la Défense
92800 Puteaux
  • Free

Registration closed

IESEG Pais campus

1 Parvis de la Défense
92800 Puteaux

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Tuesday 15 November 2022
19:00 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
IESEG Pais campus
1 Parvis de la Défense
92800 Puteaux
  • Free

Registration closed
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