Events calendar

Culinary workshop - Centre Val de Loire
HEI Alumni Centre, are you still ready to get your hands dirty?
If so, meet us on Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 7:15pm in Tours.
With a single rallying cry: Tou(r)s A Table!
Come and discover the pleasure of cooking... yes, but a cuisine that's been dusted off, demystified and relaxed.
There's a "strong probability" that these little dishes will be very good!
There's also a "risk" that it won't be good, so let's be honest and tell you.
The best part? If we can make you want to do it again when you get home.
So you're hungry and thirsty to take up this challenge and succeed together?
Program/meeting time :
7:15pm: Welcome of participants
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm: Start of the cooking workshop
(Thank you in advance for your punctuality)
The workshop is led by 2 chefs (at least, and depending on the number of participants) who will guide participants in the creation of several recipes for a gourmet Cocktail dînatoire, tasted as they go along.You don't need to have any previous experience to take part, as the chefs will adapt to your knowledge.
Location :
TOURS A TABLE, 45 rue Bernard Palissy 37000 Tours (access behind the Palais des congrès Vinci Tours)
Please register before March 1, 2019.
The event is subject to a minimum number of 20 participants.
At the close of registration on March 1, 2019, if the minimum quota of 20 participants has not been reached, our event will be cancelled.
The maximum number of participants is limited to 40.
Participation: Payment by cheque on site,
Cheque payable to TOURS A TABLE
Cocktail team cooking" workshop and tasting included
Subscribing graduates: €25
Non-paying graduates and outsiders: €35
Special rate for paying students: €10
Special rate for non-contributing students: €15
Spouses welcome
Carpooling possible from Orléans, Le Mans and Châteauroux.
See all events
Thursday 7 March 2019
- 21:00
(GMT +1)
45 rue Bernard Palissy
25 € * Contributing graduates
35 € * Non-contributing graduates
10 € * Contributing students
15 € * Non-contributing students
*On-site payment
Registration closed
45 rue Bernard Palissy37000 Tours
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