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[ONLINE WORKSHOP] Together against gloom!
To reconnect with your zest for life and "see the glass as half full rather than half empty".
What better way to stay positive, when faced with a situation we can't help?
Staying positive means :
✓ Staying healthy
✓ Staying open and better able to adapt to new situations
How can we do it?
This workshop is based on the principles of Rigology*.
During the workshop, participants are led, in a playful way, to reconnect with their joie de vivre.
Several stages are proposed, including connecting to oneself, connecting to others, letting go through play and laughter, integration and relaxation.
Proposed by Véronique RUOTTE
After 30 years of industrial, institutional and human experience, I wanted to combine this richness with my positive vision of life. I created Eclat de toi - L'enjeu par le jeu.
I use the benefits of laughter and bodily expression to unleash individual and collective potential, and tackle serious issues with a lighter touch.
Certified Laughter Yoga and Rigologue facilitator, trained in Dance Therapy, Corps en Mouvement
Certified Neurocognitive and Behavioral Approach Practitioner
* Created in 2002 by Corinne Cosseron, Rigology is a holistic discipline that involves the mind, emotions, body and heart. It includes its own techniques, such as emotional release and hygiene, and also draws on other disciplines such as Laughter Yoga, Positive Psychology, playful Sophrology, meditation, dance and rhythm.
Video session: IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS to participants for optimum benefit
- For the session, sit down in a place where you'll be comfortable.
- Dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable too.
- Turn off your phone and computer notifications (e-mail and other).
- Exercises can be done seated or standing. The space required is about 4m2.
- Warn those around you that it may be a little noisy 😉
See all events
Friday 12 February 2021
- 13:45
(GMT +1)
Online event
Free graduate contributor
5 € non-contributing graduate
8 € exterior
Registration closed
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