Events calendar

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in partnership with lESEG NETWORK


If you'refrom the Paris region,we've got an eventfor you too!

Are you wondering about your professional future?

Do you feel a gap between your personal aspirations and the reality of your daily professional life?

Are you looking for meaning in your job?

Do you want to change direction but don't know where or how?

IÉSEG Network's Career Development Center offers you an exceptional half-day workshop todraw the outlines of your new career path...

Methodology :

This workshop, inspired byQuebec's ADVP methodology, is organized in 3 stages:

  • exploration,
  • crystallization,
  • specification.

It will be led byElizabeth TOUCAS, our Career Manager and Executive Coach at IÉSEG Network.

Using aplayful, offbeat but no less effectiveapproach, Elizabeth will help you revisit your professional interests, your values and what's really important to you in your working life...

Based on analternation between individual introspection and group dynamics (pairs and/or sub-groups), this workshop benefits from the plurality of participants' perspectives and profiles, guaranteeing a wealth of knowledge and concrete applications at the end of the workshops.

Workshop objective:

The aim is to identify, in an original but effective way (of course!), the key elements that make up your professional fulfillment.

Before revealing yourself to others with your "job", take part in this workshop to reveal yourself to others!

Practical information:

This workshop will take place on theParis Campus on October 17, 2022 from 1:45pm to 6pm, andrequires your presence for the entire duration of the session.

It is limited to 9 participants maximum and minimum. Therefore, out of respect for those who will be taking half a day to attend this workshop, and to facilitate organization, please register ONLY if you are sure you will be there on time and to the very end!

If the quota of 9 people is not reached, the workshop will be cancelled, but you will be notified in advance if this is the case.

Is your little voice telling you that it's time to go after what really makes you tick professionally and gives you fulfillment?

So what are you waiting for? Register now, places are limited! :)

For further information, please contact me :

Elizabeth TOUCAS,Executive Coach & Career Manager - IÉSEG Network : or +

Monday 12 December 2022
13:45 - 18:00 (GMT +2)
1 Parvis de la Défense
92800 Puteaux


1 Parvis de la Défense
92800 Puteaux

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Monday 12 December 2022
13:45 - 18:00 (GMT +2)
1 Parvis de la Défense
92800 Puteaux
  • To register:

  • Add to my calendar