Events calendar

WORKSHOP: Over peaks and valleys...
in partnership with lESEG NETWORK
Are you questioning your professional career and need to find new sources of motivation to build your future path? A retrospective of your career would enable you to see your successes and even your failures in a different light, and to become aware of your ability to bounce back from difficult moments to find the energy to make the right choices for the future. Are you ready to take part in this workshop, which could prove to be a real catalyst for change?
This workshop is based on a self-awareness technique called "Lifeline", which we're going to apply more specifically to your professional career.
Like our Tree of Life workshop, which focuses on exploring the past and projecting into the future, this new workshop is an invitation to take a journey of self-knowledge, with a particular focus on the milestones that have marked your career path to date.
This online workshop will be led byElizabeth TOUCAS,Executive Coach and Head of Career Development at IÉSEG Network.
As your coach, I will accompany you in your exploration through a series of open-ended questions that will encourage the emergence of memories and awareness.
At the end of the workshop, and only if you wish, a time will be dedicated to sharing your awareness, feelings and learnings with other participants!
Workshop objectives :
- Gain a vision of where you are today on your career path,
- Identify the milestones that have shaped your career, the cycles you've gone through, whether positive or negative, the forks in the road, the moments of resilience, etc.
- Reconnect with your resources and energy to prepare for your professional aftermath.
Practical information:
This workshop is organized by the Pôle Développement Carrière of IÉSEG Network and will take place remotely onMonday March 20, 2023 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm.
Please register below. Registration deadline: March 19 at 12 noon.
The ZOOM link to the workshop will be sent to you THE EVENING BEFORE the event at the e-mail address with which you registered.
For further information, please contact
Elizabeth TOUCAS,Executive Strengths Coach & Career Manager - IÉSEG Network or +
See all events
Monday 20 March 2023
- 14:30
(GMT +1)
Online event
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