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[ATELIER ONLINE] : Keys and clicks

Organized in partnership with IÉSEG Network


Alone we go faster, together we go further!

Do you have a career issue to deal with and would like to find practical solutions while benefiting from an outside perspective? Would you like to take a step back? Are you looking to change your frame of reference to improve your performance and efficiency? This co-development workshop is based on the sharing of best practices, mutual support and collective intelligence, and is designed to help you make the rightchoices and leave with thekeys to unlocking your situation!

In the collective intelligence family, the co-development group is a powerful tool for professional performance and personal development with a wide range of applications.

What is co-development?

Co-development is an innovative learning approach of Canadian origin, based on participant interaction, exchange of practices, mutual support and collective intelligence.

To find out more, clickhere to read the newsletter dedicated to this subject.

How does a co-development group work?

A professional co-development group brings together a maximum of 5 to 8 people who share professional issues, are keen to learn from each other's experiences, and cultivate collective intelligence.and cultivate collective intelligence through a six-step process that structures talking, listening and thinking, while encouraging action (i.e. original methodology developed by A. Payette and C. Champagne), under the guidance of a facilitator/coach.

A special time is set aside for each member of the group.

During this session, there will be :

  • The client: the person with the problem (the client changes with each session).
  • The consultants: who contribute to enriching the client's thinking through their experiences, insights, suggestions and feelings.
  • The facilitator:Elizabeth TOUCAS, Executive Strengths Coach and Head of the Career Center at IÉSEG Network.

What is a typical co-development session?

The process is structured around 6 consecutive stages:

  • Stage 1:Presentation of a problem, project or concern
  • Step 2: Clarification
  • Step 3: Consultation contract
  • Step 4: Consultation
  • Step 5: Synthesis of learning and action plan by client
  • Step 6: Learning and regulation

What are the benefits?

  • Gain perspective
  • Benefit from a plurality of viewpoints and thus from collective intelligence
  • Give yourself room to express yourself in a caring, non-judgmental environment
  • Improve performance and efficiency
  • Find concrete ways of working, solutions or potential solutions in response to the professional issues raised
  • Change your frame of reference and progress
  • Promote awareness
  • Forge strong links with Group members
  • Etc etc etc.

Are you interested in this experience?

Practical information:

This online workshop will be facilitated by Elizabeth TOUCAS,Executive Coach and Head of Career Development at IÉSEG Network, and will take place remotely on Tuesday May 23, 2023, from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm.

Please note: if less than 5 people register, the remote workshop will not be held.

If you'd like to be part of this great adventure, please sign up now! Pleaseonly sign upif you're sure you'll be able to take part, so as not to penalize the Group.

The ZOOM link to the workshop will be sent to you THE EVENING BEFORE the event, to the e-mail address with which you registered.

Tuesday 23 May 2023
13:00 - 14:30 (GMT +2)
Online event

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Tuesday 23 May 2023
13:00 - 14:30 (GMT +2)
Online event
  • Free registration here:

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