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[CONFERENCE] presentation of the Live Tree program at the Université Catholique de Lille
As part of JNI
As part of the JNI 2020, IESF Hauts-de-France invites you to a presentation of the LIVE TREE energy transition program (Programme de transition énergétique et sociétale) at the Université Catholique de Lille .
by Benoît Bourel, Vice-Recteur and Yohann Rogez
Through a collaborative approach involving students, staff, residents, businesses and local authorities, this program aims to reduce the campus' carbon footprint and transform it into a living laboratory for societal innovation. Live TREE is a cross-disciplinary program that brings together the University's disciplines and functions to experiment with energy, mobility, waste management, nature in the city, social participation and new economic models. The innovative solutions devised focus on the technical and human aspects of the transition, and are tested in real-life conditions on campus. The Rizomm building is the first socio-technical demonstrator of energy performance on campus. A research and teaching object, since 2018 it has been generating practical and academic knowledge on the mobilization of players in the energy transition and testing the relevance of developing energy "ecosystems". We will have the opportunity to visit the showroom on the ground floor of the building.
The conference will be followed by a cocktail reception.
Benoît Bourel is Vice-Chairman in charge of Corporate Social Responsibility - Chaire Explorateurs de la Transition Yohann Rogez is operational manager of the Live Tree program.
The event is free of charge. Please register via this link
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Wednesday 4 March 2020
- 21:00
(GMT +1)
Catholic University of Lille
41 rue du port, bâtiment Rizomm
Catholic University of Lille
41 rue du port, bâtiment Rizomm59000 Lille
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