Events calendar

Tomorrow, your career will be hybrid or... not!
in partnership with lESEG NETWORK
The 21st century will be hybrid! This is the great trend of our time; everything around us is becoming hybrid, from objects to cities, sectors, uses and cultures... The world of work is going to have to adapt to this, and it's an extraordinary opportunity! Gone are the professional identities that sclerotize, the silos that isolate, the technical jargons that exclude, the meetings where people meet but don't get to know each other. To thrive in a hybrid world, we're going to have to break down our boxes, radically change our professions and learn to become centaurs, the quintessential figures of the hybrid.
But beware! Hybridization doesn't just mean adding digital technology to what we do! Hybridization is first and foremost about taking a step to the side, leaping into the heterogeneous, taking the side road, encountering that which is most radically different from ourselves.Life is an eternal shrinking; if we can't avoid it, at least we can fight against it by throwing our anchor as far as possible," wrote Elias Canetti. It's a question of fighting against our impulse for homogeneity, which always brings us back to what we know, to what we're certain of, to what identifies us and makes us tiny. For you, what would it mean to cast your anchor as far as possible? To what, to whom and where would you cast it?
This beautiful conference is organized by theIÉSEG Network Career Center on JUNE 1, 2021 at 6:15 pm.
It will be hosted by Gabrielle HALPERN, Doctor of Philosophy, graduate and associate researcher at the Ecole Normale Supérieure. Author of the book " Tous centaures! Eloge de l'hybridation " (Le Pommier, 2020).
In keepingwith the theme of the conference, it is offered in ahybrid format (of course!), i.e.face-to-face on theIÉSEG Campus in Paris la Défense, and remote ( live) for those unable to attend!
For those who wish to attend the conference in person, this will be possible in compliance with health regulations in force at the time of the event. Capacity will be limited to a maximum of 50 people.
For those who wish to attend the conference remotely, the link to the conference will besent toyouthe day before the event.
See all events
Tuesday 1 June 2021
- 20:00
(GMT +1)
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