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The smarter, more sustainable city of tomorrow


Annual gathering of HEI students and graduates, open to all

The theme of the day: "The smarter, more sustainable city of tomorrow".

Program :

From 8:30 am: Welcome in the HEI atrium

9:30 am: Conference with Carlos Moreno, Smart City expert

11am: Round table with speakers from the building, energy, mobility and sustainable city sectors

12:30 pm: Cocktail lunch in the atrium for refreshments and socializing

13h45 : A choice of visits: rediscover the school and its technology hall, immerse yourself in the world of the Musée de La Piscine (a bus will take you there) or discover the energy transition demonstration buildings on the Vauban Campus.

And in the evening, all the graduating classes in 4 and 9 will meet for cocktails to celebrate their 5,10,15,20,..., 60th anniversary at Château de Prémesques!

Who's our star witness today?

Professor Carlos Moreno is a specialist in the intelligent control of complex systems. Driven by his passion for science, progress and creativity in all its forms, he works for convergence between scientific disciplines and the players in the innovation eco-system, from major industries to start-ups, placing transversality at the heart of his approach.

His work has given rise to an original approach to the Smart City, the Living City, of which he is one of the leading figures on the national and international scene.
As Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the International Forum on the Human Smart City "Live in a living City", he is helping to promote a vision of the Smart City of tomorrow as a citizen-centric city, a city that places people and life, through services and uses, at the heart of its issues and concerns. It helps to spread the word about this theme through the media in France and abroad.

Pr. Carlos Moreno is Associate Professor at the Université́ Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne / IAE Sorbonne Business School, as well as Scientific Director and co-founder of the eTi Entreprenariat Territoire Innovation Chair. He is a member of the Scientific Councils of the Conseil Supérieur de la Formation et de la Recherche Stratégiques (CSFRS) and the Institut Mines-Télécom.

Since February 2015, he has been the special smart city envoy for the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo. Since September 2018, he has been a member of the Strate School of Design in Singapore.

A colorful round table:

We are delighted to welcome :

  • Oliver Page, Architect and Director of International Development and Innovation, Agence SCAU
  • Catherine Chardon, Managing Director, RATP DEV LONDON
  • Nicolas Karasiewicz, Founder, TYRESIAS social start-up in sensory innovation
  • Antoine Grolin (1999), Managing Director, PROJEX Group
  • Gaëlle Thibaut, HEI Smart Cities student (class of 2019).

The round table will be moderated by journalist Anne Beaumeister, and will look at Smart Cities from the angle of buildings, mobility, energy and sustainable cities.

And as a bonus!

Stands await you all morning in the atrium: presentation of projects related to the theme, student associations, photo machine to take home a souvenir photo of the day...

Get-togethers, exchanges, sharing and conviviality are on the agenda for this day offered by HEI Alumni to all its members (paid and unpaid) and their companions. We hope to see many of you there! External rates: €10

Saturday 12 October 2019
09:00 - 16:00 (GMT +2)
13 rue de Toul
59000 LILLE
  • Free Graduates, students, alumni and companions

  • 10 € Outdoor

Registration closed


13 rue de Toul
59000 LILLE

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Saturday 12 October 2019
09:00 - 16:00 (GMT +2)
13 rue de Toul
59000 LILLE
  • Free Graduates, students, alumni and companions

  • 10 € Outdoor

Registration closed
  • 205 registrants
  • Add to my calendar