Events calendar

IngéniApéro #12
IngeniApéro #12
Thursday, June 16, 2022,
starting at 7pm
all over France and abroad!
What is an IngeniApero?
An IngéniApéro is a get-together for alumni engineers from ESA, ISA, ISARA and PURPAN schools, held once a quarter. (The 3rd Thursday of the 3rd month of each quarter, do you follow me? )
An IngéniApéro is a gathering of nearly 350 engineers, on the same evening, in some thirty cities in France and abroad.
Would you like to defend your city's colors in this 12th edition? Then join us at one of the events organized in France and abroad
In the next few weeks, we'll be sending you the registration link for the various participating cities. The first dates are listed below:
ANGERS / June 2nd 7.30 pm / ESA - BDE&Alumni
TOURS / 7pm / La Guinguette - Hélène : 06 32 39 10 52
SANTIAGO / June 17 7pm / Insert Coin Providencia : +56 9771 50 369
ANGERS / 7.30 pm / Heron Carré (picnic) : Anne Sophie : 07 87 22 17 40
LYON / 7.30 pm / Modjo Part Dieu : 06 23 36 08 14
SARRIANS / 7pm / Domaine de Chantegut : Damien 06 22 31 29 14
CAEN / 7pm / Le Moon and Sons : 06 25 61 79 24
VEVEY (Switzerland) / 7pm / Kju - Elisa : +41 78 208 73 90
WAGENINGEN / 7.30 pm / Onder de Linden : +31 6 1666 9312
BLOIS / 8pm / Pause en Loire : 07 50 93 15 24
MONT DE MARSAN / 7pm / La Cervoiserie : 06 87 34 97 8
SAINT MALO / June 22 19H / Cunningham's Bar - Tiphaine : 06 76 39 49 53
You can now follow the event on Linkedin and Facebook.
Would you like to propose a meeting in your town?
Find a meeting place and pass it on to one of the co-organizers of one of the schools (contact details below) so that it can be added to the interactive map.
We look forward to seeing more and more of you,
Pauline, Matthieu, Elisabeth, Marjolaine
IngéniApéro co-organizers
MARJOLAINE FAGES (ESA Alumni): 06 37 50 35 87
ELISABETH LE BLANC (ISARA Alumni): 06 61 87 34 32
PAULINE GUIBBERT (PURPAN Alumni): 06 49 62 02 36
MATTHIEU BEYAERT (JUNIA Alumni): 06 67 48 92 74
See all events
Thursday 16 June 2022
- 21:30
(GMT +1)
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