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Green IT

With the Club Numérique en Mouvement and the Club Transition

Green IT is an approach that aims to develop greater digital sobriety. It includes a reflexive dimension on digital technology.

The intangible aspect of digital technology makes its impact on the environment more difficult to perceive. But the very significant increase in this impact should lead us to ask ourselves what we can do to control it more effectively. These are the foundations of Green IT.

Today, the digital sector accounts for 5% of global CO2 emissions, and its growth is exponential. In addition to the greenhouse gas problem, digital activities are also causing depletion of abiotic resources and pressure on water and energy resources.

The aim of Green IT is to promote best practice in the sustainable development of digital services throughout their life cycle, from design to manufacturing, distribution, use and end-of-life.

Philippe will explain:

1- Impact of digital activities on the environment (10 mn)

Digital activities

The different impacts on the environment

The trends

2 - Environmental impact analysis of a digital service (15 mn)

Life cycle assessment method


3 - Actions for a more responsible digital future (20 mn)

Materials management

Software eco-design: best practices and tools

Existing players

New law and reference framework for the eco-design of digital services

4 : Feedback (15 mn)


Balance sheet


By Philippe CAILLAREC (HEI 1989)

I graduated from HEI in 1989 from one of the first classes to specialize in Industrial IT, and have spent my entire career in the IT services sector.

After starting my career as a software development engineer and then project manager, I decided at the age of At the age of 25, I decided to set up an ESN based in Rennes with a few colleagues I'd met in my first company.
After several years of successful collaboration, we merged with a Paris-based company and became part of AMJ GROUPE.

As a project manager, then project director, I worked with numerous customers in a wide variety of fields and on projects of all sizes.

10 years ago, myself and 2 other directors bought AMJ GROUPE from its founder, who was retiring, with branches in Paris, Rennes, Aix-en-Provence and Ashford in England.

After a few years devoted to the takeover and restructuring of the company, we took a fresh look at the values we wished to put forward for our company and the meaning we wished to give to our services. It soon became clear that current environmental issues, the IT industry's role in them, and our responsibility for sustainable IT development were part of our professional DNA.

We have trained and certified all our technical staff in software eco-design.
We have put in place a set of best practice rules for the way the company operates, for the way we carry out our projects and for the way we advise our customers.

In addition to my role as Production Manager, I am currently in charge of this Green IT division within AMJ GROUPE.

Distance learning only

Thursday 2 June 2022
18:30 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
Online event
  • Free

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Thursday 2 June 2022
18:30 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
Online event
  • Free

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  • 31 registrants
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