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CAP 361° DAY (Lille) : PILOT YOUR CAREER ! Special Young Graduates

in partnership with IESEG NETWORK

If you're a recent graduate (classes 2016 to 2021), looking for your first job, in professional transition or anticipating your next career step, boost your job search with the Cap 361° - Pilotez votre Carrière! program. program, which will be held exceptionally in an intensive one-day face-to-face format in Lille (or on October 11 in Paris).


To support you in your job search on the 5 key themes of the Cap 361° - Pilotez votre carrière ! program :

- Discovering yourself and overcoming your fears

- Defining your professional project

- Mastering CV & cover letter tools

- How to present yourself for successful interviews

- Optimize your network approach

Methodology :

This face-to-face workshop will be led byElizabeth TOUCAS,Executive Strengths Coach and Head of IÉSEG Network's Career Center, who will accompany you on your way with her coaching posture.

Based on an alternation between coaching, individual reflection and group dynamics, this workshop benefits from the plurality of participants' perspectives and profiles, guaranteeing a wealth of knowledge and concrete applications at the end of the day, as well as promoting awareness...

Practical information :

To ensure that the day runs smoothly, registration is compulsory andall participants must agree to attendthe whole day.

ATTENTION: This workshop is free and limited to 10 people. It will take place if at least 6 people participate.

By registering for this event, you accept IÉSEG Network's terms and conditions of registration, including the transfer of image rights, whichcan be downloaded here.

Wednesday 5 October 2022
09:30 - 17:30 (GMT +2)



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Wednesday 5 October 2022
09:30 - 17:30 (GMT +2)
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