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JUNIA ALUMNI DAY 2022 : Aerospace

The entire JUNIA ALUMNI team is delighted to invite you to :


on the aerospace theme

with Laura André-Boyet, astronaut instructor and entrepreneur

in Lille and by videoconference

Find out more about Laura André-Boyet by clicking here.

On the program:

From 10 a.m. : coffee reception

11 a.m.: Conference by Laura André-Boyet (also available on video)

12.45pm: cocktails/lunch

2:30 pm: afternoon activities and presentations (see proposals below)

Afternoon workshops and tours:

1 : 2.30pm: Chat with Christophe Flipo (HEI 1983), winner of the 14th edition of Pékin Express in 2021 with his daughter Claire. He will talk about his journey, and the physical and mental preparation required for such an adventure.

2 : 2:30 pm: Meeting withColonel Jérôme D'OLIVEIRA, who currently heads the strategic "transformation" function of the French Space Command (CDE). He heads the eponymous division in Paris and Toulouse. An alumnus of Creil, he also commanded a CDE unit. He is also a graduate of the École de l'air et de l'espace and Supaéro.

3 : At 2.30pm: Debate "Space exploration vs. space tourism" with Vivien Scottez, astrophysicist and researcher at Junia.

4 : At 2:30pm: Escape Game in the "Space Survivors" school. Following an accident, your team of astronauts is stranded in its space shuttle; you have one hour to repair your ship and return to Earth.

5 At 2:30 and 3:30 pm: Visit the Junia acoustic test basin. An exceptional and unique means of acoustic characterization and experimentation in water. Particularly used in defense research.

6 - At 4:15pm: "Exoplanets: the search for other planets" at the Villeneuve d'Ascq planetarium: In search of other earths" (departure by bus for those who wish). Around 400 years ago, mankind became aware that our planet was not unique. The idea then spread that if the Earth was a planet, other planets could also be lands, and that they too could be habitable, or even inhabited. Although hopes of finding one in our solar system soon faded, the quest continues today.

7 : 4pm: "On Mars" virtual reality experience with Dreamaway, Lille. "On Mars is a space exploration experience set in a futuristic universe.All your initiatives to expand on the colony are going well, until artificial intelligence decides otherwise... try to escape the deranged robots, search, save data...and defend yourself, if you can...". A fee is charged for this activity. Due to limited space, it is reserved for Junia students and graduates.

The event is open to all JUNIA graduates, students and staff, as well as to accompanying persons and interested outsiders.

Saturday 8 October 2022
10:00 - 17:00 (GMT +2)
13 Rue de Toul
59000 Lille

Registration closed


13 Rue de Toul
59000 Lille

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Saturday 8 October 2022
10:00 - 17:00 (GMT +2)
13 Rue de Toul
59000 Lille

Registration closed
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