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[CONFERENCE] What you need to know to negotiate successfully

HEI Alumni invites you to a conference organized by IESEG Network on Thursday, April 18, 2019, at 7pm, on the Paris campus on the theme "Les défauts à acquérir pour bien négocier", to be hosted by Tal Laury.

What does it mean to negotiate?
To negotiate is to make reciprocal efforts to reach an agreement.
This process is one of the most decisive stages in a sale or purchase.

In negotiation, it's inadvisable to always be "nice", as conciliation has its own limits. Sometimes, you have to be tough, calculating and even a little manipulative - shortcomings which, in everyday life, prove highly effective when it comes to resisting requests for effort or skilfully demanding quid pro quos. We're not all equal when it comes to these behaviors. Fortunately, there is a solution: negotiation preparation.

This conference will provide you with a method for preparing your future deals.Thanks to this toolbox, you'll be able to transform your strong points into arguments for better resistance, classify your concessions into different categories to optimize exchanges, and if necessary, draw up a strategy by defining the first point to tackle and the order in which to advance.

Our approach is based on a key principle: "the way to reach an agreement is more important than the agreement itself". The techniques we cover can easily be applied to future sales negotiations, as well as to internal negotiations with colleagues, staff or managers.

Thursday 18 April 2019
19:00 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
IESEG Paris Campus - Amphi GR 11
Socle de la Grande Arche, 1 Parvis de la Défense
92044 Paris
  • Free All

Registration closed

IESEG Paris Campus - Amphi GR 11

Socle de la Grande Arche, 1 Parvis de la Défense
92044 Paris

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Thursday 18 April 2019
19:00 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
IESEG Paris Campus - Amphi GR 11
Socle de la Grande Arche, 1 Parvis de la Défense
92044 Paris
  • Free All

Registration closed
  • 8 registrants
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