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LinkedIn and personal branding: strategies for standing out from the crowd

In today's professional world, where connectivity and visibility play a crucial role, LinkedIn has become an indispensable tool.

It's much more than just a social network, it's a platform where your careers are built, your collaborations are born and your opportunities are forged.

LinkedIn is a dynamic marketplace


  • every profile is a showcase of talent
  • every publication is an opportunity to get noticed
  • every connection can be the start of a rewarding professional adventure.

Many still underestimate LinkedIn's potential, or don't know how to make the most of it. This webinar aims to enlighten you and arm you with the knowledge you need to shine on this platform.

This event will be an opportunity to dive into creating a LinkedIn profile that doesn't just list your experiences, but tells your professional story in a captivating and authentic way.

But having a good profile is just the beginning!

We'll show you how to identify the topics that resonate with your audience, position yourself as an expert and attract the attention of your network.

We'll discuss the best strategies for expanding and nurturing your network, techniques for starting meaningful conversations, and ways to use LinkedIn to track trends and uncover hidden opportunities.

Léonard Canitrot, CEO and Founder of Talent-e, will discuss these and other issues with you, to help you get the most out of LinkedIn.

This webinar proposed by IÉSEG Network's Career Development Center will take place remotely on Thursday July 4 from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm in ENGLISH, including a 15-minute Q&A session.

Register below. Registration closes at 6pm the day before the event.

Thursday 4 July 2024
13:30 - 14:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 2nd July
  • 5 € JUNIA Alumni

Registration closed

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Thursday 4 July 2024
13:30 - 14:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 2nd July
  • 5 € JUNIA Alumni

Registration closed
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