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Lyric recital on the JUNIA Campus in Bordeaux

The Bordeaux Campus team and JUNIA ALUMNI are delighted to invite you to a lyric recital on November 2, starting at 7pm in the Campus atrium, with Astrid Patay, Soprano, and Maximilien Wang, Piano.

The program features compositions by Verdi, Puccini, Fauré and Poulenc.

The aim of this event is to give life and visibility to the Campus. In fact, we'll be organizing tours of the campus before the concert at 6pm for those who wish to do so.

This concert is self-financed thanks to registrations on the Hello Asso ticketing service. The funds raised will be used to pay the artists and to organize a moment of conviviality at the end of the recital.

To reserve your tickets, please follow this link to the ticket office: HelloAsso

Thursday 2 November 2023
19:00 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
François d'Assise Campus
Allée Marianne Loire
33800 Bordeaux

François d'Assise Campus

Allée Marianne Loire
33800 Bordeaux

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Thursday 2 November 2023
19:00 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
François d'Assise Campus
Allée Marianne Loire
33800 Bordeaux
  • Registration via this HelloAsso link.

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