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Meet us at LAB'O in Orléans on the theme of Industrial Property

October 15 at 6:30pm at LAB'O in Orléans,

HEI ALUMNI, Philippe Boddaert (1984) and Louis-Paterne BOUAN (2003) invite you to an evening on the theme of Industrial Property!


Using examples from companies of all sizes, Louis-Paterne will show that patents and other intellectual property rights are often more effective in strengthening a company's competitive position than in "protecting its inventions".

It's a lever that is still little known or used by companies to differentiate themselves in an ultra-competitive, globalized market.

Find out more about the patent engineering profession here!

Bio express from our Expert :

On graduating from HEI in 2003 (CM), Louis-Paterne BOUAN chose to become a patent engineer, a bit by chance, he confides. Since then, his passion for this niche profession has never left him...

After a number of years working for industrial property attorneys, then in the patent department at Airbus, Louis-Paterne took the plunge in 2016 to set up his own firm in Orléans.


Orléans - Le Lab'O: totem pole and growth gas pedal - French Tech Loire Valley

Our program :

- 6:30pm: Welcome participants - Meet in front of the LAB'O Le Village entrance.

Le LAB'O, 1 avenue du Champ de Mars 45100 Orléans Tel: 02 38 69 80 80

- 18h45 to 20h15: Expert testimony with Louis-Paterne BOUAN Tel: 02 38 70 40 18

- 8:15pm to 10:30pm: Buffet dinner catered on site (Espace Tschumi)


The rental costs of the Espace Tschumi (200€) and the catering service, require for reasons of balance to reach a minimum of 40 participants, do not hesitate to share the event with your network (Alumnis or outsiders interested in the theme), be our ambassadors, thank you in advance.

Please register before October 7, 2019

useful information :

- Maximum participation: compulsory online payment

Contributing alumni: €25

Non-contributing alumni and outsiders: €35

Special student rate: €5

Special rate for non-contributing students: €8

- Spouses welcome

- Carpooling possible from Le Mans, Tours, Châteauroux or Paris.

Tuesday 15 October 2019
18:30 - 22:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 7th October
1 avenue du Champ de Mars
45100 Orléans
  • 25 € Contributing graduates
    Contributing alumni

  • 35 € Non-contributing graduates
    Non-contributing former students

  • 5 € Contributing students

  • 8 € Non-contributing students

Registration closed


1 avenue du Champ de Mars
45100 Orléans

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Tuesday 15 October 2019
18:30 - 22:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 7th October
1 avenue du Champ de Mars
45100 Orléans
  • 25 € Contributing graduates
    Contributing alumni

  • 35 € Non-contributing graduates
    Non-contributing former students

  • 5 € Contributing students

  • 8 € Non-contributing students

Registration closed
  • 38 registrants
  • Add to my calendar