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Network meeting in Paris

Dear friend,

Véronique Desmulier (1991) and Jean-Claude Pannekouke (1975 ) will be delighted to welcome you to the next Mardi H of the Réseau HEI ALUMNI Ile de France on Tuesday April 14th from 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm. 8:30 p.m. at the Irish Brasserie CARR'S, located near the Concorde (or Tuileries) metro station and the rue de Rivoli. Address: 1, rue du Mont Thabor 75001 Paris (at the corner of rue d'Alger). Map on Google Maps.

The President of our HEI Alumni Network, Christophe Guillerme (1996), elected at the AGM on March 14, will be with us next Tuesday to share a convivial moment over a drink. Flat-rate contribution to expenses: €10 per person.

Please let us know if you intend to attend the next Mardi H IdF in April, by e-mail to .

We would also like toremind you that the 3rd Journée Nationale de l'Ingénieur organized by the Ingénieurs et Scientifiques de France will take place the following day, Wednesday April 15th (from 3pm to 7pm) at the Ministry of Finance, Centre Pierre Mendes France, 139 avenue de Bercy 75012 Paris. Details of the program and online registration are available at (JNI section). After registration, please inform us by e-mail at who will be attending this event, and give us your mobile number, so that we can meet you on site.

We look forward to seeing you in Paris,

Yours sincerely

Jean-Claude PANNEKOUKE (1975) and Véronique DESMULIER (1991)

Tuesday 14 April 2015
19:00 - 20:30
1, rue du Mont Thabor
75001 Paris


1, rue du Mont Thabor
75001 Paris

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Tuesday 14 April 2015
19:00 - 20:30
1, rue du Mont Thabor
75001 Paris
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