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HEI5 class meal

Every year, the HEI Alumni Network organizes an integration dinner for students in the graduating class.

Students really appreciate this evening, which gives them the chance to talk freely with engineers on subjects of their choice in a friendly, relaxed setting. Those of us who take part are happy to discover the aspirations of young engineers, and these are warm and sometimes surprising moments.

It's with pleasure that we invite you to take part in this Class of 2014 meal, which will be held:Friday, January 17, 2014 from 7:00 pm at the restaurant:


23 boulevard Jean-Baptiste Lebas, Lille

www.lebocal-lille. fr

For perfect organization, a rapid response would be welcome from Christine Brame:, registration closes on Friday, January 10, 2014.

Friday 17 January 2014
19:00 - 23:00 (GMT +1)
Restaurant Le Bocal
23 boulevard Jean-Baptiste Lebas
59000 Lille

Restaurant Le Bocal

23 boulevard Jean-Baptiste Lebas
59000 Lille

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Friday 17 January 2014
19:00 - 23:00 (GMT +1)
Restaurant Le Bocal
23 boulevard Jean-Baptiste Lebas
59000 Lille
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