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Rendezvous H in Paris on the theme of BIM

On May 14th at the IESF in Paris, HEI ALUMNI and Alexandre BOMPARD (2012) invite you to an evening on the theme of BIM!

"BIM (Building Information Modeling) represents a revolution for all those involved in construction and real estate: owners, investors, property developers, prime contractors, asset, property and facility managers, maintainers, contractors...

With BIM, a collaborative approach replaces the traditional way of working, by simultaneously providing all data from the model in digital format to all stakeholders. Reciprocally, the model is enriched by the contributions of the various participants in the design and construction phases, and throughout the building's lifecycle.

This method of working requires new organizations, new tools, new skills and a change in mentality. It also generates new technical and legal issues."

With testimonials from experts:

- Thibault BOURDEL (2013) - AREP

- Stanislas TABOUREAU (2013) - PARVIS

- Alexandre BOMPARD (2012) - SOCOTEC

- Nicolas VICENTE (2004) - AUTODESK

The evening will continue at the Chez Barbara bar and restaurant with a cocktail reception! (47 Rue Washington)

Registration required on the website.

Our events are open to subscribers, non-subscribers and accompanying persons.

Tuesday 14 May 2019
19:00 - 23:00 (GMT +2)
7 rue Lamennais
75008 Paris
  • 10 € contributing graduates

  • 15 € non-contributing graduates

Registration closed

7 rue Lamennais

75008 Paris

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Tuesday 14 May 2019
19:00 - 23:00 (GMT +2)
7 rue Lamennais
75008 Paris
  • 10 € contributing graduates

  • 15 € non-contributing graduates

Registration closed
  • 25 registrants
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