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Virtual dating Normandy

Interview with Emmanuel Diers (1998), General Manager of Orano Temis subsidiary at Orano

HEI Alumni continues its tour of the regions with :

A friendly virtual meeting

for graduates from the Normandy region

Tuesday, September 22 from 7 to 8 p.m.

On the program:

- Emmanuel Diers (1998), General Manager of the Orano Temis subsidiary, based in Valognes (Manche, Normandy), spoke on the theme of "the nuclear cycle within the Orano Group".

- Convivial exchange and ideas to share on the group's next outings


"Thechallenge of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 is immense.In 30 years, we will have to convert 80% of the energy used by humanity from fossil fuels to low-carbon energies. With so much at stake, now is not the time to pit renewables against nuclear power. There will be renewables, that's a fact. Nuclear power is an imperative.

69% think that nuclear power contributes to climate change (80% among 18-34 year-olds), despite the fact that it is France's leading source of low-carbon energy. This perception compels us to better explain the reality of nuclear power, and to counter a number of preconceived ideas that remain ingrained in the minds of the French. It's not widely known, but the high proportion of nuclear power, combined with renewable energies, has made France the lowest emitter of CO2 equivalent per capita of the 7 most developed countries. And with 97% decarbonized electricity, France is one of only 6 countries in the world to have already achieved the targets recommended by the IPCC. Nuclear power is also one of the cheapest sources of electricity to produce, enabling France to have one of the lowest electricity prices in the world.France has one of the lowest electricity prices in Europe, and is 56% energy independent.

Orano valorizes nuclear materials so that they can contribute to the development of society in the fields of energy and nuclear medicine research. The Group offers high value-added products and services across the entire nuclear fuel cycle, from raw materials to waste treatment. Its activities, from mining to dismantling, including conversion, enrichment, recycling, logistics and engineering, contribute to the production of low-carbon electricity."

Practical information:

A connection link will be sent to you the day before the event. No application needs to be downloaded, just click on the link to join us. If you prefer to join by phone, we'll also send you a telephone number.

We do, however, recommend a computer so that we can see each other via webcam - it's always more fun, even if it's not compulsory!

See you soon!

Tuesday 22 September 2020
19:00 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
Virtual meeting room
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Virtual meeting room

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Tuesday 22 September 2020
19:00 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
Virtual meeting room
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