Events calendar

Visit to the Agromousquetaires plant in Cornillé (35)
Eric Pineau (HEI 1991), Philippe Caillarec (HEI 1989) and Diane Richard (HEI 2005) propose :
a visit to the Agromousquetaires plant in Cornillé (35)
Friday March 3, 2pm to 4pm
Visit organized and led by Philippe Dutertre (HEI 1992), Environmental Project Manager, Plant Technical Department.
The visit will be preceded by a meal at the restaurant.
Theme: valorization of co-products from the beef industry, mainly destined for Europe and Asia. Animal and human nutrition products. The first hour will be devoted to marketing and the circular economy.
This plant belongs to the upstream industrial pole of the Mousquetaires group.
12:15pm: Lunch at the P'tite Fringale restaurant in Étrelles (Parc d'activités, La Vigne, 35370 Étrelles)
2pm: Visit to the Agromousquetaires plant in Cornillé
See all events
Friday 3 March 2023
- 16:00
(GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 1st March
Agromousquetaires plant
ZA Bois de Cornillé
Consumption to be paid on site
Registration closed
Agromousquetaires plant
ZA Bois de Cornillé35500 Cornillé
Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)
GPS: 48°04'20'' - Landmarks: next to the SAVE incinerator. Parking: "site entrance gate".
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