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Visit to the JUNIA site - Palais Rameau

Real Estate and Construction Club

Right from its creation in 1879, the Palais Rameau was conceived as a building open to all - in accordance with the wishes of its initiator Charles Rameau, it is dedicated to innovation and the promotion of horticulture. Fourteen decades later, the city of Lille has entrusted this emblematic site to the Junia engineering school for 25 years.

In keeping with its vocation and heritage, the Palais Rameau will host training courses for students and professionals on the agriculture and food of tomorrow. It will also host the work of researchers, and provide a place to experiment and incubate innovative business projects in these areas.

As an emblematic site, the Palais Rameau will remain open to local residents and the general public for awareness-raising campaigns, scientific mediation, demonstrations, events with associations, meetings and debates, etc.

Start of works autumn 2021 Opening of janitor' shouse end 2022 Opening of Palais Rameau end 2023

Please bring your PPE for this tour. This visit is limited to 17 people, and is organized as part of the real estate and construction professional club. Other time slots will be offered throughout the year, as well as other construction sites.

Thursday 7 September 2023
12:30 - 14:00 (GMT +2)
Palais Rameau
Bd Vauban
59800 Lille
  • Free Sign up

Registration closed

Palais Rameau

Bd Vauban
59800 Lille


Damien BECQUET (Ingénieur HEI, 1982)
1 year ago

S'il y a 2 désistements, nous serions preneurs.

Nicolas CLEMENT (Ingénieur HEI, 2005)
1 year ago

Je suis aussi preneur d'un désistement ou de places supplémentaires pour la visite.

Nicolas Clément
Eric DESCAMPS (Ingénieur HEI, 1997)
1 year ago

Idem pour 1 place voir 2.

faites 2 groupes le cas échéant

Maxence HITTIER (Ingénieur HEI, 2013)
1 year ago

Demande similaire à mes compères.


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Thursday 7 September 2023
12:30 - 14:00 (GMT +2)
Palais Rameau
Bd Vauban
59800 Lille
  • Free Sign up

Registration closed
  • 15 registrants
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