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Journey to the heart of beer

Visit to the Goudale brewery in Arques

For our1st back-to-school rendez-vous, we're taking you on a "journey to the heart of beer" at Brasserie Goudale on Thursday, September 14.

Brasserie Goudale in a nutshell:
-André Pecqueur, the brewery's CEO, invested €80m in building the plant and €2m in the tour circuit.
-The brewery then moved from its Douai site, which had become too small.
-The group's two plants are now located just a few kilometers apart,
the Saint OMER brewery, located in St OMER, for PILS beers (thirst-quenching beers),
-the Goudale brewery, in Arques, for specialty beers.
-Sales of Goudales increased by 70% in the first quarter of tanks are currently being purchased.
-Exports account for 60% of sales (China - USA - Spain.....)

find out more about the visit HERE

Meeting schedule :

  • 5:00 pm: meet at the Brasserie parking lot (365 avenue Newton, Arques)
  • 5:15pm : tour begins
  • 6:30pm: tasting stop
  • 7:00 pm: Departure for the "Moulin de la Barne" restaurant (160 avenue du Général de Gaulle, Arques).
Thursday 14 September 2017
17:00 - 22:00
Brasserie Goudale
365 avenue Newton
62510 Arques
  • 10 €

  • 15 €

Registration closed

Brasserie Goudale

365 avenue Newton
62510 Arques

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Thursday 14 September 2017
17:00 - 22:00
Brasserie Goudale
365 avenue Newton
62510 Arques
  • 10 €

  • 15 €

Registration closed
  • 14 registrants
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