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[WEBINAR] How to best negotiate the termination of your employment contract?

In partnership with IESEG NETWORK

How best to negotiate the termination of your employment contract?

Whether you've been pushed towards the exit, caught up in an irrepressible desire to go elsewhere, laid off, looking for meaning, or offered a contractual severance package, negotiating the financial aspects of leaving your company is not only the sinews of war, but above all the key to ensuring that you can bounce back in the best possible conditions.

However, without a precise diagnosis of your legal situation and a mastery of the legal levers, there can be no financial optimization of the departure package.

At a time when the famous "Macron grid" has in fact created even more legal insecurity, and despite the presence of aa balance of power perceived as being to the employee's disadvantage, it is more essential than ever to be accompanied by a professional in labor law negotiations.

How can I recognize the first signs of an announced departure? How should I react? How do I gather evidence? How should I approach interviews? Should I write? Do I have the right to record my exchanges with my employer? How should I prepare for my departure?

These are just some of the questions thatVéronique FODOR, anemployment lawyer and expert in severance negotiations, will answer , and the keys she'll give you to ensure you're "ready" the day you're faced with this situation.

This webinar proposed byIÉSEG Network's Pôle Développement Carrière will take place onTuesday February 14 at 12:30 to 2:00 pm, including a 30-minute Q&A session.
Register below. Registration deadline: 6pm the day before the event.

For further information, please contact me:
Elizabeth TOUCAS,Executive Strengths Coach & Career Manager - IÉSEG Network or +

Tuesday 14 February 2023
12:30 - 14:00 (GMT +2)
Online event

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Tuesday 14 February 2023
12:30 - 14:00 (GMT +2)
Online event
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