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[WEBINAR] enjoy the holidays with peace of mind

With the arrival of the festive season, we're all keen to indulge in a wide range of foods and wines... to rediscover our epicurean side. Unfortunately, for some, the festive season is synonymous with bloating, digestive discomfort and colds... So why not celebrate the holidays in top form, and enjoy them to the full?

In this webinar, Anne-Lise Collet (Roth) will give you advice on how to prepare for and enjoy the festive season in complete serenity: dietary advice, but also preparation of the body through plants and essential oils, as well as adapted physical activities.

By Anne-Lise Collet (Roth), HEI 98 GC engineer. Anne-Lise began her professional career with a major electrical equipment group, first as a quality engineer, then as head of various logistics units. She then joined an Alsatian consultancy specializing in low-carbon strategy, before resuming her studies in nutrition and naturopathy. She now practices in Rosheim (67) and offers face-to-face and distance consultations.

Thursday 9 December 2021
12:15 - 13:30 (GMT +2)
Online event
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Thursday 9 December 2021
12:15 - 13:30 (GMT +2)
Online event
  • Free Sign up

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  • 21 registrants
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