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[WEBINAR] Social Media: it's not so easy to find your way around!
Networks are everywhere!
Brands are on it, politicians are on it, your friends are on it, maybe even you are on it! The nuance is rare when we talk about them. Formidable on the one hand, nightmarish on the other, networks are as much the talk of the town as they are the subject of discussion and content. The fact is, they're an integral part of our daily digital lives, and whatever we think of them, they can't be dismissed out of hand...
Today, these platforms are complex to understand globally, as they increasingly respond to specific audience logics. The -18 year-old demographic doesn't use the same platforms (or nearly so) as the 25-35 year-olds, who no longer use the same platforms as the +35 year-olds, and so on. It's obviously a caricature, but not all that inaccurate.
At the same time, new networks and uses are emerging on a regular basis. The "VIP" live audio social network Clubhouse has barely been launched before announcing a totally over-realistic number of members. In the meantime, Twitter has created a Clubhouse copycat, and Spotify has acquired a structure to position itself in the same niche...
Keeping up with the evolution of these platforms and the uses they support can seem dizzying.
So how do you keep up in this fast-paced environment? How can we ensure that our opinions are relevant and well-constructed, and that we know what to say and do to stand out as a brand, or as a professional? With one essential thing in mind: social networks are above all social MEDIA, not advertising platforms.
This conference is organized by the Pôle Carrière of IÉSEG Network and will be hosted byMathieu Crucq, Managing Director of the BRAINSONIC communications agency. He will give you the keys to a global understanding of networks, and how to prioritize actions more easily when you're a professional.
This webinar will take place onTHURSDAY May 27, 2021 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm, including a15-minute Q&A session.
Please register below. Registration deadline: 7pm the day before the event.
ATTENTION: The ZOOM link to the webinar will be sent to the e-mail address with which you registered the evening before the event.
See all events
Thursday 27 May 2021
- 13:30
(GMT +1)
Online event
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