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[WORKSHOP] The decision-maker at the heart of a crisis situation

in partnership with IESEG NETWORK

The decision-maker at the heart of a crisis situation

After getting to know him during the confinement in 2020 through 3 webinars on Contact Management in crisis situations, Captain Antonin P., Officer in the French Army, is back! This time, he's taking us from theory to practice, with a brand-new face-to-face workshop in Paris!

Recent events in France, with their health and economic crises, show us more than ever the stakes and challenges that everyone can face. In this difficult context, situations of tension and even crisis regularly arise.


The aim of this workshop is to help you acquire an effective method for better managing them, a method that you will put into practice in a group during a crisis management exercise.

Methodology :

This workshop is designed to beexperiential in order to ensure a rich learning experience: it will alternate betweenrole-playing and case studies.

After a pre-action analysis, we'll look at various mnemonics and operational methods. These are simple tools to help you make decisions and organize your time and your team, enabling you to structure and better anticipate the next steps in crisis management.

Then, we'll get down to the nitty-gritty of how to manage, coordinate and control the progress of your action with your teams during a practical exercise.

This workshop will be led byCaptain Antonin P., a French Army officercurrently commanding a 140-strong parachute company.

Captain Antonin P. has acquired significant experience in management and crisis management during his various assignments and missions in France and abroad.

Alongside his work in the army, he is a regular speaker at universities, business schools and companies on the subjects of proximity management (leadership, know-how, humanization), crisis management, stress management and resilience.

Practical information

This workshop offered by the Pôle Carrière of IÉSEG Network will take place onWednesday November 23, 2022 from 6pm to 9pm on the IÉSEGPARIS La DéfenseCampus.

Wednesday 23 November 2022
18:00 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
Paris la Défense


Paris la Défense

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Wednesday 23 November 2022
18:00 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
Paris la Défense
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