
The transition professional club is designed to unite JUNIA alumni around the theme of environmental issues.

Voluntarily open to all professional profiles (CSR managers as well as entrepreneurs, managers from all sectors, etc.), the activities offered to members will deal with the subject in a very transversal way. Far from simply stating the facts, the club will take an unfiltered look at the various adaptation and mitigation solutions known and being worked on to date.

The aim of the club will be to provide a forum for exchange, enabling members to :

- gain a better understanding of the issues at stake: the different types of energy and their uses; the different sources of pollution and their impacts...
- share orders of magnitude: carbon accounting, impact measurements...,
- discuss treatments and solutions: social, political, regulatory and corporate responses...
- discuss (and debate!), share resources and knowledge on the subject, and network.

The theme of energy and ecological transition is vast.
It's a fast-moving, high-profile topic.
We're delighted to be playing an active part in raising awareness among JUNIA Alumnis, and to be fuelling a dynamic of encouragement (and even incitement) to take action. We really want to address as many of your expectations as possible on these sometimes complex themes; so don't hesitate to get in touch with the organizing team, we're here to listen (especially if you're wondering what the infographic in the illustration refers to!).


Bertrand COUPET (HEI 2007)

Bertrand has been working for 13 years in mechanical engineering for the energy sector. His international experience has given him an open mind and a detailed knowledge of both SMEs and major groups. He is now developing his knowledge of carbon footprinting to offer tailored assistance to companies wishing to develop their low-carbon strategy. As an expert at the MyCO2 conferences organized by Carbone 4, he helps French individuals adapt their behavior to a low-carbon lifestyle by setting up indicators and annual commitments that are educational and guilt-free.

Marie GROSSEAU (HEI 2004)

After having experimented with intrapreneurship, it's in entrepreneurship that, with Un Pacte, I help professionals to take greater account of the environmental impact of their activities (in particular via the Bilan Carbone® method). My experience is based on 15 years in international industry, in key account sales development, operational management and marketing. A keen team player, I like to deal with issues in a cross-functional way, combining skills and experience from different departments within the company.

Julien LECLESVE (HEI 2021)

Julien LECLESVE works for EDF, as an Operations Engineer at the Cattenom nuclear power plant (East of France). He has been working in the corporate world since he was 16. Over the past ten years, he has worked as an electrician in the building trade, the service sector, the shipbuilding industry (at the Atlantic shipyard in Saint-Nazaire) and electrical distribution (at Enedis source substations in Brittany). Since 2018, he has been developing his skills around energy issues associated with the ecological transition.


Pauline LEROUX (ISA 2011)

Alumni For the Planet

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