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JUNIA ALUMNI DAY 2023: Science and technology in the service of health

We look forward to seeing you again at JUNIA ALUMNI DAY:

Saturday, October 7, 2023

from 10am at the JUNIA school in Lille and by videoconference

for a day on the theme :

Science and technology in the service of health

With Jean-Michel Lecerf, nutritionist and Director of the
Centrede Prévention Santé Longévité at the Pasteur Institute in Lille

On the program:


10 a.m.: coffee reception

10:45 am: JUNIA ALUMNI welcome and presentation of the school's health projects by Alina Ghinet, Associate Professor HDR, Health & Environment Department

11 a.m.: "La joie de manger, quels enjeux de santé et de société?" lecture by Jean-Michel Lecerf, nutritionist at the Institut Pasteur in Lille. Also broadcast live and by video.


12:30 pm: cocktail lunch


2pm: 2 lectures of your choice:

- "Food labelling, the right reflexes for better consumption" by Géraldine Hennion (ISA 2000 and SiiN graduate), Sustainable Health Nutrition Coach

Brands, logos, images, scores... so much information that guides our purchases, not always wisely, unfortunately!
This conference will teach you how to change your way of looking at things, no longer buying a brand or product you know well, but becoming an active, critical consumer. The aim is to help you understand food packaging so you can decipher what's really inside the product, and to share a few simple guidelines for consuming healthy
and planet-friendly products.

- Mathias Charlet, Head of Connected Health, and Mickaël Taine, Director of Digital Resources and Information Systems at Lille University Hospital.

Description of upcoming intervention.

3pm: 4 visits and activities to choose from:

- Visit to the JUNIA chemistry laboratory

- Visit the sensory analysis laboratory and the JUNIA immersive room

Imagine yourself on the beach in glorious sunshine, stretched out on a deckchair, with a gentle breeze caressing your face. A waiter brings you a chilled lemon cocktail, ideal for cooling off. Now imagine enjoying that same cocktail on a cold, wet winter's day. You certainly wouldn't enjoy it in the same way.The Applied Consumer and Sensory Sciences team's research focuses on the study of consumer behavior in context, taking into account the interactions between the senses. Come and discover our research through a unique immersive experience!

- Visit to the Institut Pasteur Museum (meet at 18 Bd Louis XIV, 59800 Lille, at 3:30pm/ journey time: 12 min by car, 30 min on foot)

Part curiosity cabinet, part period laboratory, part digital installation, the museum reveals the mysteries of Lille's Institut Pasteur and its founders. This contemporary scenography allows you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the time and discover the Institute's work!

- Escape game "Quantum Computer" JUNIA

Can the quantum computer save you? All hell breaks loose: during your visit to the quantum laboratory at JUNIA, a chemical attack is triggered and the Quantum Professor who runs the lab has disappeared! You have 45 minutes to start the quantum computer and find the antidote before it's too late.


This is JUNIA ALUMNI's flagship event, organized each year around a topical theme. A full day of conferences, cocktails, workshops and tours.

The event is open to all, so please share it with friends, colleagues and your network!

Saturday 7 October 2023
10:00 - 16:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 6th October
13 Rue de Toul
59000 Lille
  • Free

Registration closed
Jean-Michel LECERF
Head of Nutrition & Physical Activity Department. Medical Director, Centre Prévention Santé Longévité. Associate Professor.
Institut Pasteur de Lille

Jean-Michel Lecerf, born November 24, 1954 in Wasquehal (Nord), France. Married 4 children Ordained deacon (2012)

Doctor of Medicine, specialist in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases. Practitioner at CHRU Lille (Internal Medicine - Lipidology 1982-2020).

Head of the Nutrition & Physical Activity Department. Medical Director, Centre Prévention Santé Longévité. Associate Professor at the Pasteur Institute, Lille. Member of the Board of Directors of the Société Française de Nutrition and member of the Académie d'Agriculture de France (Section Alimentation) - Expert for HAS, ANSES, AFNOR.

Author of 975 publications, including 300 peer-reviewed, 495 oral presentations at scientific conferences, 61 book chapters and 23 books in the field of nutrition, obesity and metabolism. Recent books include "La joie de manger" and "40 idées fausses sur les régimes".

Pierre Graux Prize (1986). Grande médaille Gernez-Rieux (1995). Grand prix de la société industrielle du Nord (2008). Prix du meilleur éditorial du syndicat de la presse et de l'édition des professionnels de santé (2020).

Editor-in-chief of Pratiques en Nutrition, deputy editor-in-chief of Médecine des Maladies Métaboliques and deputy editor-in-chief of Métabolismes Hormones Diabète Nutrition.



13 Rue de Toul
59000 Lille

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Saturday 7 October 2023
10:00 - 16:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 6th October
13 Rue de Toul
59000 Lille
  • Free

Registration closed
  • 139 registrants
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