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    1. 13 September 2022 at 19:00
      Gourmet evening around Saint Nicolas de Bourgueil

      After 2 years of the Covid pandemic, what better way to get back into the swing of regional meetings than with a gourmet invitation? On Tuesday, September 13, 2022, Philippe...

    2. 18 May 2021 at 19:00
      Virtual meeting Centre Val de Loire Region

      "When I grow up, I'm going to be...an engineer or a doctor? I'll be both! Let's make our dreams come true: to be what we are". Meeting with Patrick Biard (1992) on "Reconversion:...

    3. 19 March 2020 at 18:15
      DELAYED - Discover the craft of organ building in Tours

      DUE TO THE CURRENT VIRAL EPISODE, THE EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL THURSDAY JUNE 18. Philippe Boddaert (1984) and HEI Alumni invite you to discover the art of organ building in...

    4. 15 October 2019 at 18:30
      Meet us at LAB'O in Orléans on the theme of Industrial Property

      October 15 at 6:30pm at LAB'O in Orléans, HEI ALUMNI, Philippe Boddaert (1984) and Louis-Paterne BOUAN (2003) invite you to an evening on the theme of Industrial Property!...

    5. 11 June 2019 at 18:15
      Visit to Procter Gamble in Blois

      In the mood for a corporate tour with a difference? Philippe Boddaert (1984) and Augustin Nenert (2008) and HEI Alumni offer you visit to Procter Gamble in BLOIS Tuesday, June 11,...

    6. 07 March 2019 at 19:15
      Culinary workshop - Centre Val de Loire

      HEI Alumni Centre, are you still ready to get your hands dirty? If so, meet us on Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 7:15pm in Tours. With a single rallying cry: Tou(r)s A Table! Come and...

    7. 16 October 2018 at 18:15
      Rencontre Centre Val-de-Loire

      Visit to Chavigny Tuesday, October 16, 2018, Philippe Boddaert (1984) and HEI Alumni invite you to visit CHAVIGNY in METTRAY (37390). Stéphane GRAVIER (1990) industrial director Groupe Chavigny,...